Top 7 best data visualization examples you should know in 2023

If there is a word we give to “data”, that is “beautiful”. By analyzing data, we can gain insights into trends and patterns that allow us to make more informed decisions about everything from our health and personal finances to business operations and public policy. Data can help us improve our lives by providing us with the information and insights we need to make better decisions and achieve our goals more effectively.

In the world of data visualization, effective data visualization can turn complex data into easily understandable insights and patterns, allowing viewers to gain a better understanding of the data and make informed decisions. Well-designed visualizations can also be aesthetically pleasing and engaging, making them a powerful tool for communication and storytelling. 

We gathered 7 different data visualization examples with different content and purposes. Hope they help inspire you to apply for your data visualization practice.

What is data visualization?

Data visualization is known as the graphic display of information and data using visual tools like maps, charts, graphs, and other visual aids. By presenting complex data and information in an accessible and consumable way, data visualization aims to help users spot patterns, relationships, and trends that might not be immediately obvious from raw data. When compared to working with raw data, effective data visualization can help users identify insights and opportunities, help them make well-informed decisions, and communicate complex ideas more effectively. The impact and efficacy of the communication can be increased by employing visual components to convey data in a way that is more engaging and simple to remember.

Why do good data visualizations matter?

In order to successfully communicate complicated data and information, good data visualizations are important.

Spot patterns, relationships, and trends

When data is visualized in a clear and structured manner as opposed to when it is provided as raw data, it is simpler to spot patterns, relationships, and trends. This can assist individuals in gaining knowledge and forming well-informed judgments based on data-driven insights.

Increasing the impact and memorability of information

Effective data visualization can help to hold people's attention and boost their engagement with the material when data is presented in a visually appealing fashion. As a result, there is a better chance that the information will be remembered and that it will be applied to future judgments.

Raise data literacy standards

Visualizations can assist in demystifying data analysis and making it more approachable for a larger range of people by presenting data in an interesting and understandable way. This could boost the general efficacy of data analysis efforts and encourage a culture of data-driven decision-making.

Top 7 best data visualization examples for 2023

Sales Dashboard

A clear and concise sales dashboard features metrics such as Revenue by sales regions per month, total quantity, total quantity per channel, total revenue, total cost, total profits, and so forth, in 2020. Adding filters based on year so that when presenting dashboards, stakeholders can choose the year to see the metrics. When switching to another year (for example 2021), the data will be changed correspondingly 

Dashboard design is an important consideration when creating a sales dashboard. The design of the dashboard can have a significant impact on its effectiveness in communicating information and driving action. Here are some key design considerations to keep in mind when creating a sales dashboard:

This dashboard is used with appropriate visualizations: Line charts, bar charts, and card charts are appropriately used for the data presented. The sales dashboard design is also simple and focused on the most important data points.

Google SEO

Another data visualization example is Google SEO. Most of the charts used in Google SEO dashboard are card charts, to sum up important metrics like page views, page speed, click-through rates, click-through impressions, backlinks, etc. 

When showing trends or changes in data over time, line charts are used to allow the viewer to quickly identify trends and patterns in the data.

Social media dashboard

The first glance at this social media dashboard showcases 3 different social media channels presented vertically. Some visuals are used as images to indicate the logo of each channel, and, using shapes to cover all charts that are relevant.

Each zone contains many kinds of charts that show audiences what is going on with each channel. The design of this dashboard is clear and simple enough 

Google search console dashboard

Some metrics need to present to google search console dashboard:

Clicks, impressions, and click-through rate (CTR): provide a general overview of the performance of the website in search results, showing how many times the website was shown in search results, how many clicks it received, and the percentage of clicks per impression.

Top queries and top pages: These metrics show which queries and pages are driving the most traffic to the website, allowing website owners to identify high-performing content and optimize it for search.

Devices: These metrics show which devices ns are driving the most traffic to the website, allowing website owners to optimize their website for specific devices

Index coverage and crawl errors: These metrics show how many pages of the website are indexed by Google and whether there are any crawl errors that need to be addressed.

Sitemap and robots.txt status: These metrics show whether the website's sitemap and robots.txt file are properly configured and whether there are any issues that need to be addressed.

Page speed: This metric shows how quickly pages on the website load, which can impact search rankings and user experience.

Backlinks: This metric shows how many backlinks the website has and where they are coming from, which can impact search rankings and domain authority.

CDN logs dashboard

A CDN (Content Delivery Network) logs dashboard can help you gain insights into how your content is being delivered to users across the globe. Here choosing visualizations that are easy to understand and that provide context for the data being presented. Interactive features, such as filters and drill-down capabilities, can also be useful in allowing users to explore the data more deeply.

Why do we add parameters in the query and add filters to the dashboard?

The similar point of all good data visualization examples above is that you can see each has a filter. Adding parameters and filters to a dashboard can help users to interact with the data and gain deeper insights. Why is that? 


Different users may have different needs and preferences when it comes to data analysis. By adding parameters and filters, you can allow users to customize the dashboard to their specific needs, such as filtering by a specific time range or product category.


Dashboards can often include a large amount of data, making it difficult for users to focus on the information that's most relevant to them. By adding filters, users can hone in on specific subsets of data that are most important to them, such as sales figures for a specific region or product line.


When presenting data, it's important to make it as clear and understandable as possible. By adding filters and parameters, you can help users to more easily understand the data by presenting it in a way that makes sense to them.

Deeper insights

By allowing users to interact with the data in different ways, you can encourage them to explore the data more deeply and potentially uncover new insights that they might not have otherwise found.


This post walks you through good examples of data visualization in different fields. Based on your purpose and the data you want to show you can use the appropriate chart types or other visualizations, then make the design that attracts your audience for quicker and more efficient decision-making. Want to learn more about tips for creating interactive data visualizations or other best practices, check out the blog posts below:

Become a pro with data visualization best practices in 2023

8 tips for creating a good data visualization 

5 things you should know to create an attractive dashboard

Data Visualization dashboard color tips you don’t want to skip

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